Beers for Bushfire Relief this January
We're all in this for the long haul.
Fires continue to burn around Australia and the clean up is going to be its own battle as well.
After last November’s Bushfire Relief fundraiser at @balterhq, we’ve been looking at more ways to support the ongoing fight and recovery over a sustained period. To kick it off...
➡️ We will be donating $1 from every beer you buy @balterhq for as long as it's needed. We will donate the proceeds weekly so they can get where they need to go.
➡️ Also, on Friday 17th & Sunday 19th (closed Saturday due to a function) we’ll be joining a bunch of Australian craft breweries for a national activation called Beers for Bushfire Relief and our pledge is to donate every cent from every beer sold over these two days. See all the activations from all breweries here
You have helped us raise over 20k already, but we will be doing much more, so stay tuned for announcements on other ways you can get involved in the coming weeks and months, simply by enjoying your love of beer.
Lastly, and most importantly a big heartfelt thanks to all the firefighters, helicopter, and plane pilots and all volunteers going toe to toe with the fires and the cleanup. Without you, and the help of the community coming together, many more lives and properties would be lost.
See below for Beers for Bushfire Relief activations around the country happening at so many wonderful craft breweries
A special mention to the team at Ocean and Earth (who were very lucky to survive the fire. However, many people in the community, family and friends, were
not so lucky) have set up a gofundme campaign for the world surf community to get together and raise these much-needed funds for immediate help to
the South Coast community.
Every dollar makes a massive change whether you can or can’t make it to some of the amazing fundraisers below
Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th January
Balter Karma Keg @ Beach Hotel - Make it Rain (Fund The Firies 2020)
The Beach Hotel – Byron Bay
Sunday 12th January
Balter Karma Keg for NSW RFS @ Loki Bushfire Appeal
Loki – Nobby Beach
Saturday 18th January
Balter Karma Keg @ BINE Beer for Bushfires Relief
BINE Beer Bar – Nobby Beach
Thursday 16th January
$5 tinnies all donations will be going to The Byron Bay Rural Fire Brigade.
The Park Hotel – Suffolk Park
Saturday 11th January & Sunday 12th January
Balter Karma Keg for @redcrossau @wireswildliferescue and @nswrfs @ Crafty Cow
& Nikkou Store will be auctioning off our "Win Beer For A Year" prize
Tucker + Nikkou Store + Crafty Cow – Casurina
Friday 10th January til Friday 17th January
All sales for the week go directly to charities.
Finn McCool's – Surfers Paradise
Sunday 12th January
Bunnings style sausage sizzle to raise money with a bunch of musicians and chefs behind the grill
Mac de Marco, Cut Copy, King Gizzard, Amyl and The Sniffers, Pond, + many more!
Peaches in East Brunswick this Sunday the 12th.
More info coming soon : https://www.instagram.com/juanitapeaches/
More events TBA @
Spread Eagle, Richmond
The Park Hotel, Abbotsford
Windsor Alehouse, Windsor