Meet your brewer...
Scott was bitten by the brewing bug in March 2006 and started as an avid home brewer. A year later he was awarded “Best First Time Entrant” at the Australian Amateur Brewing Championships.
He went on to win local, state and national amateur titles, with his hefeweizen winning gold as the highest scoring beer in the 2007 ACT Championship and winning the Wheat Beer category at the Australian Amateur Brewing Championships. He was just nudged out by half a point for Champion Beer of Show.
Inside two years from brewing his first all-grain beer, Scott was offered a commercial brewing gig as brewer at the Sunshine Coast Brewery in Queensland. Within six months had won the 2009 AIBA Champion Reduced Alcohol Beer, finished second to the world-famous Weinstephaner Brewery with his Sunshine Coast Dunkelweizen, and was a finalist in the Champion Small Brewery category to show for his efforts.
In May 2015 Scotty won two Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA) for Best Australian Style Pale Ale and Best European Style Lager for previous employer Byron Bay Brewing Company.
Scott is now Head Brewer at BALTER, in charge of keeping your taste buds happy.
Image: Scotty has fans from all over the world. Hanging with John C. Reilly.