The YOU Survey 2.0
The YOU Survey is back and you could win this beer fridge… with beer in it.
It's a quick 2-minute survey that allows us to understand our Balter community better. When filling out the survey the most important thing to us is your name and your birthday… Why? Well, that’s a secret but we promise not to share it with the government or any third party and it will definitely be worth your time : ) There's also some questions about the beers you like and how you like to drink them.
Happy YOU surveying and thanks for taking part in one of the greatest surveys on the planet***.
(***It isn’t really the greatest survey on the planet. There is no such thing, but it could mean you win a sweet beer fridge with beer in it.)
Balter beer fridge as pictured + 12 cartons of beer over the year to keep it stocked.
Runner Up Prizes
5 x Balter T-shirt (5 winners)
1 x Balter Growler
5 x Balter 4 Pack of Tinnie Cooler