Welcome back to the pubs Australia...
It feels bloody unreal to be able to say ‘welcome back to the pubs'. Seeing our mates starting to open their doors again really makes the heart full.
When the 'C-word' hit it stopped all keg business in Australia. It wasn’t a nice time watching pubs, bars and venues shut their doors indefinitely with no guarantees for the future. As a business, we also had to completely reset. But in true Balter spirit, and like many Aussie businesses, we just got on with it.
We took back all 1400+ untapped kegs, cleaned them up, stacked them away and waited for the day we could fill them again. It’s with a big old grin we can say that day has arrived and like any not-so-good situation there’s always a silver lining. In this case, it's that there’s never been a better time to drink fresh XPA at your local with new kegs making their way around the country to 300+ venues every day.