Balter launches Big Slab to boost Queensland tourism!
October 1st: Queensland’s Balter Brewing Company, has launched The Big Slab, a new tourist attraction to help rejuvenate the state’s tourist economy.
“The Big Slab follows a proud Australian tradition of putting massive things by the side of the road” explains Stirling Howland, Brand Director, Balter Brewing Company.
“We saw a completely selfless opportunity to give back to the state where we brew this delicious XPA, whose tropical and floral aromatics set off a fruity palate that will punch your taste buds in the pleasure zone, and is available on tap in over 1600 locations, which you can find easily via our Beer Locatoron™ Balter.com.au” added Howland.
The Big Slab will be positioned on the M1 at Yatala and aims to attract families; specifically, fathers and children that probably should have moved out of home, from around the country.
“A lot of people are saying it’s just a picture of a slab on a billboard, and we say to those people come down and see for yourself, just please don’t look at it from the side,” states Howland.
Balter is also giving away 100 slabs of beer for the first 100 people who take a selfie with The Big Slab and post it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter tagging @balterbrewers.
For more details head to balter.com.au/bigslab