Introducing CRYOHAZE - a Hazy with the DNA of a West Coast IPA
We all know a larrikin little brother who gets away with a bit more than the first born. That one who brings some extra life to the party with his cheeky
roguish grin and jokes full of colour. Our new release is that little brother. The sibling to an earlier special release, Cryo Mofo, this latest CryoHaze
uses the same hero hops but shows up juicier in taste and scruffier in appearance.
“This special series of beers we’re doing is all about experimentation,” says Balter Head Brewer, Scott Hargrave. “We want to showcase how the same DNA
can still result in the full spectrum of character - from clear bright options to succulent Hazys. The challenge with this one was how to keep the
family resemblance of Cryo Mofo with some dank West Coast resin in there, but still have a juicy, sexy hazy. The trick was using softer hands with
the hops this time to pull off that fine balance.”
The beer itself is the second of a series of four releases this year, which play with certain hero hops around different malt and yeast profiles. This
first duo uses Cryo Mosaic, where the next West Coast/Hazy siblings will elevate new hops again.
For now though, CryoHaze is enjoying its step into the sunshine. Coming in a colorful quarter-stripe 375ml can, our latest special release goes a little
something like this:
Like getting flushed in the face with a fruity fluro firehose - CryoHaze brings a full colour palette to your mouth palate. Swishes of guava and dashes of bubblegum are highlighted by a creamy combo of passionfruit and berries, all painted over a dank resin primer. The unique family portrait of a West Coast IPA’s Hazy brother. CryoHaze is your caricature with character.
CryoHaze is available nationwide on May 18th, with select tap venues and the GABS Festival getting the pour too. To get your hands on some cans head to https://www.balter.com.au/beer-locator and find your closest location.